MTB tour

De dygtige MTB gutter fra MTBGuide har det fedeste tilbud til jer.
Aqua Aquarium & Animal Park

If you dare to pet a fish and love everything about fish, water and otters, then Aqua is just the thing for you.
Asger Jorn museum

The Asger Jorn museum is an art museum which is based on donations of over 5,500 works of art.

If you want to experience the most beautiful sailing trip to Himmelbjerget, take a trip with the Hjejlen, which is the world's oldest coal-fired paddle steamer.

Himmelbjerget is one of Denmark's highest and most beautiful points with a fantastic view.
Eagle sanctuary

At Falkemanden, you even get the chance to hold a bird of prey or an owl yourself if you dare.
The Paper Museum

The Paper Museum is a living museum where handmade paper is still produced.

If you dare to challenge each other, spend a pleasant afternoon on Denmark's oldest mini golf course. Take up the challenge!
Kano- og kajak

Test your skills on the water in a canoe or katak right in our backyard

A climbing course is a long series of steel wire strung out between the treetops and with obstacles in between each treetop.